I’m going to need an extra two cups of coffee today.
We returned to Daylight Saving Time (DST) on Sunday morning, losing an hour of sleep… but gaining more sunlight at the end of the day.
I don’t know about you, but it usually takes me a few days to bounce back from the feeling of extended jet lag.
I don’t know why, but losing that one hour really takes its toll on your energy.
“Springing forward” was instituted many years ago to give farmers more sunlight to work with during the warmer months.
Due to the negative impacts on daily activities in a modern, industrial society, DST has been hotly debated in recent years.
Is it worth the hassle?
I don’t know. I do know that it’s annoying. It disrupts international business. It’s also been proven by researchers that fatal car crashes increase by about 6% during the week after DST.
I’ve been in this business long enough to recognize a low ROI when I see one, and I don’t see any significant upside gain to constantly readjusting clocks.
Traditions like throwing out the first pitch or the market opening and closing bell can be a beautiful thing.
Even marriage is a beautiful tradition. Just don’t tell my girlfriend I said that – yet.
But like the market, when certain traditions get so old that they start producing negative returns, it might be time to retire them.
Speaking of ROI: how is your current trading strategy working out for you?
If your current trade set up isn’t bringing home the bacon like it used to, it’s time to sunset it.
My secret volume trading roadmap routinely produces triple-digit gains for my members.
They’re so spoiled, that even returns in the 70% - 90% range don’t excite them like they used to.
If you’re the type of person that loves tradition even when you’ve forgotten why you started doing it in the first place, feel free to continue investing the same way you always have, with the same gains.
But if you’re a disrupter who understands the value in updating your gameplan to accommodate changing market conditions…
In this free training, I’ll show you the ins and outs of my secret volume trading roadmap.
You’ll discover how I pinpoint trade entry and exit points, and how to model your trades for potentially explosive gains.
Sometimes you’ve got to break tradition to make forward progress.
Don’t you think it’s time to stop investing in the dark?